About us - MBE

MBE finances – MBE connects

Our aim is to provide the best individual financing solutions to our customers in Europe, Egypt and the MENA-Region in order to support the exchange of capital and goods in an as easy efficient and safe as possible.

MBE - Logo

The Bank for

The core business of our bank is trade finance and the financing of projects for export- as well as import driven companies both in Egypt and within Europe in industries such as machinery and equipment, food & food processing, textile, energy and infrastructure.

Our second business focus is on financing sustainable investments in Egypt.

Prime contact for business in and with Egypt

Our specialists for documentary trade finance business as well as our customer relationship managers support and advice our clients with tailor made solutions.

Your company will benefit from our solid experience, our ongoing cooperation with our shareholders, our deep knowledge and understanding of the Egyptian market and the Arab world and culture. MBE is part of “Egypt Inc.” and as such the perfect contact for all business relationships between Europe and Egypt as well as the MENA Region. We are also a first class contact for investors.

A Niche Bank

We are an efficient niche bank providing financial services in cross-border related transactions between Europe and Egypt as well as the MENA-Region.

The Egyptian Offshore Bank

MBE is present in Frankfurt/Main since 1992 and we are the only Egyptian Bank in Central and South-East Europe, we have a full banking license and are compliant to the regulations of the German banking authorities (BaFIN).

OUR Core Industries

Textile Industry

The textile industry has a long tradition in Egypt and accounts for app. 25% of the industrial production of the country. Unique for the region the textile sector is characterized by a fully integrated structure. For decades the growing and cultivation of cotton and the processing of it to yarns and fabrics is a key pillar of the Egyptian economy. The high quality standard of fabrics and textiles enjoys a worldwide recognition. The whole textile industry is currently facing the ever-growing interest of sustainability criteria stemming from the global textile business. In order to maintain its competitiveness the players in the industry face the absolute necessity for investments in efficient machinery and equipment, sustainable energy supply and resource friendly production methods.

MBE - Textile Industry
MBE - Textile Industry
MBE - Textile Industry
MBE - Textile Industry
MBE - Textile Industry
MBE - Textile Industry
MBE - Agriculture
MBE - Agriculture
MBE - Agriculture
MBE - Agriculture
MBE - Agriculture
MBE - Agriculture
MBE - Agriculture
MBE - Agriculture


The agribusiness is an essential part of the Egyptian economy, in which every third Egyptian is employed. The agricultural surface of the country spans alongside the Nile-river to the Nile-Delta, but still accounts only for app. 2.9% of the country’s territory. The Egyptian government has passed a program for afforestation of desert areas to agricultural usage. The food processing industry more and more develops itself into one of the pillars of the exporting business of Egypt. Traditionally the Egyptian agricultural industry serves markets in Europe, North America, the Golf-Region and Asia with fruits, vegetables and herbs. Egypt’s agribusiness sector profits from a global trend towards high quality foodstuff from ecological sustainable production. Whereas able to export certain foodstuff, Egypt on the other hand is depending on the import of basic food, such as wheat, in order to deal with the high growth rate of the population. The agribusiness sector is characterized by a high number of small and medium sized players, as well as a few large state owned companies.

Investment Goods

One of the main challenges of the Egyptian economy is to offer to the growing young population attractive employment and job opportunities. The Egyptian authorities support the settlement of local production. As part of the EU-free trade zone Egyptian production operations are well equipped due to numerous location advantages for cost efficient production compared to other international production places. We provide medium and long-term financing for the acquisition of investment goods.

MBE - Investment Goods
MBE - Investment Goods
MBE - Investment Goods
MBE - Investment Goods
MBE - Investment Goods
MBE - Investment Goods
MBE - Infrastructure
MBE - Infrastructure
MBE - Infrastructure
MBE - Infrastructure
MBE - Infrastructure


Egypt’s need for investments in infrastructure stems from the vigorous growth of the country’s population. Consequently this drives the new construction of whole cities or new neighborhoods, investments in the transportation network (subways, roads, sea-routes & ports as well as airports and related infrastructure) and communication networks. In addition the demand for water, drinking water or water for agricultural and industrial usage, increases accordingly. According to the “National Plan for Water Resources” the public sector will spend up to USD 20 BN until 2037 in desalination and waste water purification projects. These business sectors provide important stimuli to the Egyptian economy.

Environmental Technology & Renewable Energy

To cope with the increasing demand for electricity the Egyptian government has set in force the “ISES 2035 – Integrated Sustainable Energy Strategy 2035”. This plan stipulates the diversification of the primary energy sources and in particular the increased usage of renewable energies, such as wind- and solar-power. Until 2022 up to 22% and until 2035 up to 42% of the energy-mix is supposed to come out of renewable energy sources. In the environmental technology sector projects in waste management and water purification are in the focus.

MBE - Environmental Technology & Renewable Energy
MBE - Environmental Technology & Renewable Energy
MBE - Environmental Technology & Renewable Energy
MBE - Environmental Technology & Renewable Energy
MBE - Environmental Technology & Renewable Energy
MBE - Environmental Technology & Renewable Energy
MBE - Environmental Technology & Renewable Energy