MISR Bank - Europe GmbH
Misr Bank - Europe GmbH
Marienstraße 15
60329 Frankfurt am Main
VAT identification number: DE 151 071 246
Commercial register: HRB 34940, Amtsgericht Frankfurt am Main
Bank code number: 514 202 00
GIIN Number: 4MUNEN.00002.ME.276
Telephone: 069 / 29974 - 0
Fax: 069 / 29974 - 600
Swift-Code: MIBEDEFF
The party responsible for the content on this website is:
Misr Bank - Europe GmbH
Management Board
Ayman Foda, Christian Veit
Chairman of Supervisory Board
Hossam Abdelwahab
Competent Supervisory Authority
Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BaFin)
Abteilung BA 1, Referat BA 37
Graurheindorfer Straße 108
53117 Bonn
Conceptual visualization and technical realization
Design, Kommunikation, Beratung
Europa-Allee 49
60327 Frankfurt am Main
Notice of liability
Despite careful control, we cannot assume any liability for the content of the linked pages.
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Misr Bank - Europe GmbH controls and updates the information at our Web sites. In spite of reasonable care the dates may change meanwhile. To the maximum extent permitted by law, we disclaim all implied warranties with regard to the information, services and materials contained on this Web site. This web site include links to other Internet sites. we do not endorse any such web sites and we are not responsable for the information, material, products or services contained on or accessible through those web sites. We may make improvements or changes to the information, services, products and other materials on this Web site or terminate this Web site, at any time without notice. All materials and content on this site are the intellectual property of Misr Bank - Europe GmbH and are protected by international copyright law.
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